Inventor Labs: Technology
00422_Script_Journal Object
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330 lines
--Journal Object
--Instantiated as gJournalObj
global gInventorIndexNum, gInterfaceMgrObj
global gBulbExpMgr, gWattBIYobj, gTel --These may not be right for Edison
property pCurrentBIYobj, pBIYobjList, pAtBIY
property pClickBoardSpriteNum, pClickBoardRect, pPICTsprite
property pBaseJournalCastNum, pCheckBaseCastNum, pCheckSpriteNum
property pPICTlist
property pJournalActive
property pCondensorAxisLocHList, pCylinderAxisLocVList, pWattTopBox, pWattBottomBox
property pBellLocVList, pBellLocHList, pBellTopBox, pBellMiddleBox, pBellBottomBox
property pEdisonLocHList, pEdisonLocVList, pEdisonBox
global gActiveBYSobj
on mInit me
set pBIYobjList = [gBulbExpMgr, gTel,gWattBIYobj]
set pBaseJournalCastNum = the number of cast "EXPDRY1.PIC"
set pCurrentBIYobj = 0
set pAtBIY = false
-- sprite declarations
set pPICTsprite = 2
set pClickBoardSpriteNum = 19 -- a rect with mJournalClickEvent(gJournalObj) msDn script must be in sprite 20
-- of each BIY. It must be completely offStage
set pCheckSpriteNum = 20 --the check graphic (or placeHolder) must also be off stage in this channel
set pClickBoardRect = rect(60, 80, 420, 440)
set pCheckBaseCastNum = the number of cast "EXPDRY6.PIC"
set pCondensorAxisLocHList = [302, 344, 386]
set pCylinderAxisLocVList = [213, 235, 258, 309, 332, 354]
set pWattTopBox = rect(277, 202, 406, 271)
set pWattBottomBox = rect(277, 298, 406, 367)
set pBellLocVList = [177,192,206,222,264,279,293,308,355,370,384,400]
set pBellLocHList = [302,328,354]
set pBellTopBox = rect(288, 167, 368, 230)
set pBellMiddleBox = rect(288, 254, 368, 316)
set pBellBottomBox = rect(288, 346, 368, 408)
set pEdisonLocHList = [297, 321, 345, 370, 395]
set pEdisonLocVList = [203, 223, 244, 264, 285, 306, 328, 351]
set pEdisonBox = rect(283, 192, 405, 364)
set pJournalActive = false
return me
end mInit
on mActivate me
if pAtBIY then
if (gInventorIndexNum < 4) and (gInventorIndexNum > 0) then
set pJournalActive = true
-- set pCurrentBIYobj = getAt(pBIYobjList, gInventorIndexNum)
set pCurrentBIYobj = gActiveBYSobj
puppetSprite pPICTsprite, true
puppetSprite pClickBoardSpriteNum, true
puppetSprite pCheckSpriteNum, true
set the trails of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = true
set the rect of sprite pClickBoardSpriteNum = pClickBoardRect
set the castNum of sprite pPICTsprite = the number of cast getAt(pPICTlist, gInventorIndexNum)
if gInventorIndexNum = 1 then
else if gInventorIndexNum = 2 then
else if gInventorIndexNum = 3 then
end if
end if
else mClearBtnHilites ( gInterfaceMgrObj )
mSetCursors(gUtilityObj, [21:Return,22:#Return])
end mActivate
on mDiscloseJournalActive me
return pJournalActive
end mDiscloseJournalActive
on mClose me
set pJournalActive = false
puppetSprite pPICTsprite, false
puppetSprite pClickBoardSpriteNum, false
puppetSprite pCheckSpriteNum, false
set the trails of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = false
mClearBtnHilites ( gInterfaceMgrObj )
end mClose
on mAtBYS me
return( pAtBIY )
end mAtBYS
on mInformJournal me, argStatus
if argStatus = #ArrivingAtBIY then set pAtBIY = true
else if argStatus = #LeavingBIY then set pAtBIY = false
end mInformJournal
on mJournalClickEvent me
set mousePoint = point(the mouseH, the mouseV)
if gInventorIndexNum = 1 then mEdisonJrnlClick(me, mousePoint)
else if gInventorIndexNum = 2 then mBellJrnlClick(me, mousePoint)
else if gInventorIndexNum = 3 then mWattJrnlClick(me, mousePoint)
end mJournalClickEvent
on mEdisonJrnlClick me, argMousePoint
if inside (argMousePoint, pEdisonBox) then
set GridPoint = mRectGridCheck(me, pEdisonBox, argMousePoint, 5, 8) --GridPoint is a list: [x, y]
set CollumClicked = getAt(GridPoint, 1)
set RowClicked = (getAt(GridPoint, 2))
set BIYrecordList = mDiscloseTestRecord(pCurrentBIYobj)
set BIYrecordIndex = (CollumClicked - 1) * 8 + RowClicked
set ClickedACheck = getAt(BIYrecordList, BIYrecordIndex)
if ClickedACheck then
mReviewExperiment(pCurrentBIYobj, RowClicked, CollumClicked)
end if
end if
end mEdisonJrnlClick
on mWattJrnlClick me, argMousePoint
if inside(argMousePoint, pWattTopBox) then
set HitaBox = true
set WhichBox = pWattTopBox
set vAdjuster = 0
else if inside(argMousePoint, pWattBottomBox) then
set HitaBox = true
set WhichBox = pWattBottomBox
set vAdjuster = 3
set HitaBox = false
end if
if HitaBox then
set GridPoint = mRectGridCheck(me, WhichBox, argMousePoint, 3, 3) --GridPoint is a list: [x, y]
set CollumClicked = getAt(GridPoint, 1)
set RowClicked = (getAt(GridPoint, 2)) + vAdjuster
-- set ExperimentRecordIndex = ((CollumClicked - 1) * 6) + RowClicked
-- set WattTestRecord = mDiscloseTestRecord(pCurrentBIYobj)
-- if getAt(WattTestRecord, ExperimentRecordIndex) then
mReviewExperiment(pCurrentBIYobj, RowClicked, Collumclicked)
-- end if
end if
end mWattJrnlClick
on mBellJrnlClick me, argMousePoint
if inside(argMousePoint, pBellTopBox) then
set HitaBox = true
set WhichBox = pBellTopBox
set vAdjuster = 0
else if inside(argMousePoint, pBellMiddleBox) then
set HitaBox = true
set WhichBox = pBellMiddleBox
set vAdjuster = 4
else if inside(argMousePoint, pBellBottomBox) then
set HitaBox = true
set WhichBox = pBellBottomBox
set vAdjuster = 8
set HitaBox = false
end if
if HitaBox then
set GridPoint = mRectGridCheck(me, WhichBox, argMousePoint, 3, 4)
set CollumClicked = getAt(GridPoint, 1)
set RowClicked = (getAt(GridPoint, 2)) + vAdjuster
set BellTestRecord = mDiscloseTestRecord(pCurrentBIYobj)
set ExperimentRecordIndex = ((CollumClicked - 1) * 12) + RowClicked
if getAt(BellTestRecord, ExperimentRecordIndex) = 1 then
mReviewExperiment(pCurrentBIYobj, RowClicked, Collumclicked)
end if
end if
end mBellJrnlClick
on mRectGridCheck me, argWhichBox, argMousePoint, argNumCollums, argNumRows
set RectWidth = getAt(argWhichBox, 3) - getAt(argWhichBox, 1)
set RectHeight = getAt(argWhichBox, 4) - getAt(argWhichBox, 2)
set RelativeMouseX = getAt(argMousePoint, 1) - getAt(argWhichBox, 1)
set RelativeMouseY = getAt(argMousePoint, 2) - getAt(argWhichBox, 2)
set CollumClicked = RelativeMouseX / (RectWidth / argNumCollums) + 1
set RowClicked = RelativeMouseY / (RectHeight / argNumRows) + 1
return [CollumClicked, RowClicked]
end mRectGridCheck
on mDrawEdisonChecks me --pEdisonLocHList pEdisonLocVList pEdisonBox
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum
set CorrectX = mDiscloseCorrectX(pCurrentBIYobj)
set CorrectY = mDiscloseCorrectY(pCurrentBIYobj)
set BIYrecord = mDiscloseTestRecord(pCurrentBIYobj)
set BIYrecordIndex = 1
repeat with CurrentCollum = 1 to count(pEdisonLocHList)
set xCoordinate = getAt(pEdisonLocHList, CurrentCollum)
repeat with CurrentRow = 1 to count(pEdisonLocVList)
if getAt(BIYrecord, BIYrecordIndex) = true then
set yCoordinate = getAt(pEdisonLocVList, CurrentRow)
if (getPos(pEdisonLocHList, xCoordinate) = CorrectX) and (getPos(pEdisonLocVList, yCoordinate) = CorrectY) then
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum + 1 --red checkMark
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum --black checkMark
end if
set the locH of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = xCoordinate
set the locV of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = yCoordinate
end if
set BIYrecordIndex = BIYrecordIndex + 1
end repeat
end repeat
end mDrawEdisonChecks
on mDrawWattChecks me
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum
set CorrectX = mDiscloseCorrectX(pCurrentBIYobj)
set CorrectY = mDiscloseCorrectY(pCurrentBIYobj)
set BIYrecord = mDiscloseTestRecord(pCurrentBIYobj)
set BIYrecordIndex = 1
repeat with CurrentRow = 1 to count(pCylinderAxisLocVList)
set yCoordinate = getAt(pCylinderAxisLocVList, CurrentRow)
repeat with CurrentCollum = 1 to count(pCondensorAxisLocHList)
if getAt(BIYrecord, BIYrecordIndex) = true then
set xCoordinate = getAt(pCondensorAxisLocHList, CurrentCollum)
if (getPos(pCondensorAxisLocHList, xCoordinate) = CorrectX) and (getPos(pCylinderAxisLocVList, yCoordinate) = CorrectY) then
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum + 1 --red checkMark
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum --black checkMark
end if
set the locH of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = xCoordinate
set the locV of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = yCoordinate
end if
set BIYrecordIndex = BIYrecordIndex + 1
end repeat
end repeat
end mDrawWattChecks
on mDrawBellChecks me
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum
set CorrectX = mDiscloseCorrectX(pCurrentBIYobj)
set CorrectY = mDiscloseCorrectY(pCurrentBIYobj)
set CorrectZ = mDiscloseCorrectZ(pCurrentBIYobj)
set AdjustedCorrectY = (CorrectZ - 1) * 4 + CorrectY
set BIYrecord = mDiscloseTestRecord(pCurrentBIYobj)
set yCounter = 1
repeat with yCoordinate in pBellLocVList
set xCounter = 1
repeat with xCoordinate in pBellLocHList
set RecordIndex = (xCounter - 1) * 12 + yCounter
if (xCoordinate = CorrectX) and (yCoordinate = CorrectY) then
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum + 1 --red checkMark
set the castNum of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = pCheckBaseCastNum --black checkMark
end if
if getAt(BIYrecord, RecordIndex) =1 then
set the locH of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = xCoordinate
set the locV of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = yCoordinate
end if
set xCounter = xCounter + 1
end repeat
set yCounter = yCounter + 1
end repeat
set the locH of sprite pCheckSpriteNum = -500
end mDrawBellChecks